Plan an autumn getaway

With overseas travel not looking to return to its pre-pandemic levels until next year at the earliest, most of us will be taking our holidays within the British Isles for the time being, letting us see some of the incredible beauty we have on our doorstep. Autumn is a great…

Ways to promote your wellbeing

The wide-ranging uncertainty in these current times intensifies our anxiety and stress. Ordinarily, we like to feel in control and make plans for the future but it’s impossible to plan when there are so many unknowns. We’ve never been in this situation before. We don’t know what the new ‘everyday’…

What will the new normal look like?

The coronavirus pandemic has triggered a crisis of such immense proportions that things will not just go back to the way they once were. When some semblance of normality emerges, things will be different. We are set for vast cultural, social and economic changes. It’s unlikely that we will suddenly…

Technology bringing the generations together

One upshot of the coronavirus pandemic has been the way technology is helping us to keep in touch with each other, especially across the generations. A range of apps are playing an important role in keeping us entertained in lieu of all the sporting events and social events being cancelled.

4 ideas to keep the kids occupied during lockdown

Keeping children occupied can be difficult at the best of times. Keeping them entertained at home during the coronavirus lockdown, with severe restrictions, may seem nigh on impossible. But here are a few ideas we hope might help to fill some of the days: 1. A mini bake-off While you’re…

How to avoid going stir-crazy during the coronavirus lockdown

The effects of the government enforced isolation period will be felt across the whole nation. It’s going to be tough for all of us to spend three weeks (at a minimum!) without leaving home except for essential travel and one form of daily exercise. We’re going to have to adapt…

4 UK cultural events that you might not know about

Cooper’s Hill Cheese Roll The infamous Cooper’s Hill Cheese Roll has been taking place in May since the 1800s. Competitors hurl themselves down a steep hill in pursuit of a wheel of prime Gloucestershire cheese; the hill is so steep that few competitors manage to stay on their feet, resulting…

8 places to visit this autumn in the UK

With autumn just around the corner, it’s nearly time to put on your wellies and kick through piles of colourful leaves. So to celebrate the change of season, here’s our list of places you should visit to make the most of the stunning autumn scenery. 1. Isle of Lewis, Hebrides…

Time to start planning an autumn getaway with a difference

Autumn can be a difficult time of the year to plan a getaway. Even Europe’s sunspots can experience highly variable weather. In the Algarve, for instance, October temperatures can change from the high twenties to the mid-teens. So, booking a beach holiday may not be the best choice. You risk…

Six unique UK dining experiences not to be missed

Food is one of the greatest and most varied pleasures that life has to offer—it can be simple, complex or anything in between. But a dining experience is another thing entirely. And there’s a diverse assortment of different dining experiences available across the UK. Dine on the water If the…